Maybe you have heard about our in-person group meetings but are unsure what to expect. Here is a summary of the basic flow of how these meetings go. Hopefully, this helps you fill in some of the details. If you are a practice owner and you are interested in learning more about VMG membership, click here to get in touch.

As the excitement grows for your VMG’s next in-person meeting, you and your fellow group members have lively discussions about where it will take place. Maybe these conversations started during your previous gathering, over a glass of wine during a group dinner or even on a sunset cruise. Will it be held at a resort or in a bustling city? Will it be a quick trip or a chance to combine a vacation with the meeting? Once some general ideas are decided, your group leader works with the professional VMG staff to finalize the details, including hotels, facilitation, discussion topics, and guest speakers.
On the day of the meeting, you might see familiar faces at the airport, greeting old friends or arranging rides to the venue. When you arrive, the first night sets a relaxed tone with a small reception and casual conversations. Day two is when the real action begins, with a full day of meetings. Each VMG has its own unique ways of doing things. Some start the day at 7am and dive into the meeting content while some groups begin their day a bit later to allow for a early morning beach run or calming yoga session.

Regardless of the schedule, each meeting generally features at least one expert speaker sharing valuable insights on professional development topics. Recent discussions have covered areas such as hiring and staff satisfaction, practical accounting tips, efficient supply sourcing, and improving vision and leadership for your hospital.
After a full day of meetings, there is usually a group dinner, a fun event or activity. Sunset cruises, baseball games, cooking lessons, and mountain climbing hikes are examples of these activities. Just like the rest of the meeting, each group has its own personality. We call it “home rule,” where each group is unique and sets its own pace and priorities.

These engaging sessions, along with the camaraderie and knowledge exchange among like-minded professionals, lie at the heart of the VMG experience. In-person meetings provide a platform for personal connections, shared learning, and practical solutions that can take your veterinary practice to new heights.
The time spent with your group members in person builds upon the conversations and topics you’ve been discussing in group chats, phone calls, and text messages. Over months and years of these meetings and interactions, your group members become some of your closest friends. They understand your business like few others can. Their empathy and support will sustain you during tough times, while their excitement will amplify the joyous moments.
Learn More about VMG
If you’re considering joining VMG, these immersive and energizing gatherings offer just a glimpse of the incredible opportunities that await you. To learn more about VMG, take a couple of minutes to fill in the form here and someone from our membership team will soon reach out to you.